Thoughts And Prayers
No legislation to try and stop mass shootings, just more thoughts and prayers
Explain it to me. Someone please explain it to me. Explain how thoughts and prayers are going to stop the next Uvalde, which is the next Sandy Hook. Explain to me how thoughts and prayers will end this nation’s morally repugnant worship of guns.
The weapon in that photo is an AR-15, the weapon of choice in almost every mass shooting. Look at it. That is a weapon of war. That is a weapon designed to inflict maximum damage over a short period of time.
Last night in Uvalde, crime techs were taking DNA samples from parents to compare to the bodies of children in Robb Elementary School. They needed DNA because an AR-15 destroys a human body. To put it bluntly, there wasn’t enough left of the dead to identify them by sight.
Thoughts and prayers resonated on Twitter moments after we learned the scope of what another angry young man decided to do with an AR-15. Other things resonated on Twitter, from politicians and pundits who dare to call themselves “pro-life.”
Rep. Paul Gosar posted this now-deleted Tweet:
Rep. Tony Gonzales, who represents Uvalde, posted his thoughts and prayers on Twitter, only to be greeted with a tweet from 2021:
Rep. Gonzales went on Fox this morning and blamed the Robb Elementary School massacre on mental illness and COVID.
Rep. Randy Fine of Florida decided to add this message to his thoughts and prayers:
Randy Fine wrote that this morning. The day after parents had to submit their DNA because an AR-15 blew their children’s bodies apart. The day after reporters heard parents screaming when the DNA came back, when they learned their beautiful children were never coming home.
We have a large segment of society in this country who love guns more than they love children. And every time some angry young man picks up an AR-15 and massacres innocent people, these “pro-life” hypocrites send thoughts and prayers.
Thoughts and prayers are meaningless coming from people who demonstrate no moral courage. Who tweet about shooting President Biden. Who are proud that they love guns more than they love children.
You can take your thoughts and prayers and shove them all the way up to your cold, dead hearts.