You left out some things. Like how Tara told her own daughter her father was a serial killer. Like how Tara was actually fired for not doing her job. Like how Tara lied under oath 20+ times. Like how Tara sent trolls after actual survivors on Twitter who called us rape apologists and stated we all deserved to be murdered. Like how the location where Tara's alleged assault occurred doesn't physically exist. And how Tara has targeted, retraumatized, attacked, demeaned, and threatened, survivors of child abuse, rape, sex trafficking, and sexual violence.
I am a 5x survivor. A teacher tried to rape me when I was 15. I wanted justice. I went to a law firm, filed a civil suit against my former high school, gave sworn depositions, ripped my entire life open for 4 longs years. And I won. I didn't go running to far-left fake journalists because I wanted attention.
I don't believe Tara Alexandra McCabe Reade because of HER OWN WORDS, not because of who she accused. She could have used the same lies against a conservative man I despise, and I wouldn't have believed her.